Sunnyvale Pre-School Music Education


    Call us today to learn more about our Sunnyvale Pre-School Music Education Program 408-749-1105.

    All children are born with a potential to be musical. The children participating in our Preschool

    Music classes learn about classical, folk and pop music by listening to the music and trying their own movements while listening. As we know, children can learn better when playing and their educational play is their job and their fun. Most song we teach are based on traditional folk music: American, Chinese, Indian, Spanish, Slavic, etc.



    In our Preschool Music classes children use percussion instruments and mini keyboards to play and to learn music theory, which is presented in a simple way, so that they have a chance to memorize note values, time signatures and the pitches by repetition of familiar patterns. The participating of parents is always encouraged and they are welcome to observe classes and play together with their children.